Beyond Retro Fever

I agreed to take part in an EP Launch party in the theme of 1940s. As I do not own anything that would represent the era, I went to Beyond Retro in Dalston hoping to find something suitable. Beyond Retro is my other favourite clothes hunting destination (after charity shops), therefore, instead of looking for 1940s inspired outfits, I ended up running around the shop picking anything that caught my eye. Here are some results captured in never-to-die-facebook-mirror-picture forms.

An electric blue shirt with this amazing applique (made in Panama) that cost something around £15 (unfortunately, too big!)

Next was this cute cropped stripey jacket with a flowery collar

If you're into those lacy, fluffy, girly tops, I found two amazing ones (again, for some silly money). The yellow one just stole my heart!

Although I loved the above pieces, I could not get them all (pay day in 5 days). Here are the ones that survived the selection and made their way home with me:

1940s inspired top (exactly what I was looking for) that has interestingly constructed sleeves (impossible to show on a picture) - £15

...and the dress (totally in love) - £22

If you ever feel like finding some unique pieces of clothing but not necessarily spending hundreds of pounds on the designer ones, you can make your way to Beyond Retro or any other vintage store and I am sure you won't be disappointed.

P.S. I felt super silly taking those 'mirror reflection' pictures but at the end of the day, it was actually lots of fun ;-)


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